MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a diagnostic procedure that combines a powerful magnet, radio waves and computer technology to provide detailed images of tissues, muscles, nerves and bones. Because MRI uses magnetic force and radio waves to create images, there is no radiation exposure during the procedure. MRI is often used instead of CT to study soft tissues or organs because bones do not obscure the organs and soft tissues as they do with CT imaging.
Crestwood offers two MR systems. One is a 1.5 Tesla short bore closed MRI system located in the hospital on our main campus. The other is a 3 Tesla short-wide bore closed MRI system located at the Outpatient Diagnostic Center on Airport Road. Patients undergoing outpatient MRI exams in the Outpatient Diagnostic Center will enjoy an ambient environment, which consists of LED lighting, calming sounds and a video experience to reduce stress and increase comfort.
Ambient MRI environments may make patients more calm and relaxed, which can improve the patient experience, reduce the number of rescans required, decrease scan time and most importantly, allow patients to receive high quality detailed imaging. We also offer MRI procedures on the 1.5 Tesla system at the main campus after hours and on weekends to accommodate all patients.
When undergoing an MRI procedure you will enter a strong magnetic field. You will need to remove all metal from your person such as zippers, jewelry, hair accessories, medical patches and monitors. When scheduling your MRI appointment, it is very important to make the staff aware of any implants and provide implant cards [handheld devices if applicable]. This is necessary to keep you safe.
Be mindful that MRI machines are loud, so hearing protection will be provided to you. Also, MRI exams can be lengthy, averaging 30 minutes. The staff is here to help you feel as comfortable as possible. Please talk with us and let us know how we can help with your MRI or answer any questions.
Crestwood Medical Center MRI is accredited by the American College of Radiology.
For more information or to schedule your MRI, please call (256) 429-4888.